Monday, November 18, 2013

It's the holiday season with the whoop-de-do!!

So once again...I haven't been staying on top of my blog. I really need to work on that!! -- not to give myself an excuse but things have been a bit chaotic over here at the Sparrow household. My husband is very good with chaotic, but I tend to be forgetful, confused, and stressed, and then on the days I have a little down time, I just sit and do nothing. It's hard to find balance in chaos, but I think that's all part of the fun. 
As it gets closer to the date that Jeff and I leave to go on our travels, I can't help but find myself in a mess of boxes, tape, bags, and everything scattered everywhere. I CANNOT believe it's already mid-November! I mean, Jeff and I decided to go on this little adventure of ours in July!! You would think that would be enough time to get everything squared away...nope. Not at least not in our home. Between Jeff's business trips, his co-workers staying with us, family visiting, us visiting family, weddings, babies, and just regular life duties like grocery shopping, and paying bills...I find myself scrambling for more time!! Thankfully the Lord has been giving me peace amidst the craziness. I just wish I had planned it all a little better. Oh well, this is my first try...probably my last. ;)

I counted the days that Jeff and I will be home together this month, and it came out to (dun dun dun) 10 days! Is that not mind-boggling?! On top of that we are supposed to be out of our apartment December 27th, and we have Thanksgiving, my birthday, and Christmas to celebrate between it all! Oh, and I need to go Christmas shopping! LOL, I think that the Lord gets a kick out of our human-ness...we think we have it all planned out but we definitely don't.
Well, I am choosing to use this time as a way to channel all the chaos into excitement. I get to go on an amazing, life changing adventure with my stud!! I've been blessed beyond imagination, and I am thankful that the Lord is allowing Jeff and I to experience this extraordinary life. In fact, the more I pray about our travels, the more I believe it's the Lord's leading. I believe He wants us to go through these travels, and I believe that along the way He will be teaching us more about ourselves, our marriage, about Jesus, and prepare us for our ministry that He has called us to. I think that is the most exciting part about our adventure; the fact that the Lord is calling us to travel. He has done so much for us and our marriage, and yet He continues to give us more. Our Lord is truly amazing.

So for the next 4 weeks, I will be finishing packing and storing our things, gathering our travel items, and enjoying the holidays with my wonderful family and friends. Before we know, 2014 will be here!! This is such an exciting time. Not just for Jeff and I but for all our family and friends. I really believe that 2014 is the year of BLESSINGS from our Lord. He's been speaking to my heart, and I feel like He just wants to love on us. So be prepared because 2014 is coming in fast, and it's carrying numerous blessings along with it!!

Like I've said in the past, I am going to try my best to update my blog as much as possible. Once we are on the road it should be easier, so bear <--not sure if that is supposed to be "bare" or "bear", haha..with me. I hope you are all having a wonderful fall/winter season along with all the holiday goodness! 
Oh, and don't forget to start listening to Christmas music!!! Don't be ashamed...I was listening to it in July!! LOL...I'm that annoying person that wishes it was Christmas all year around, but you know what? I am totally okay with that. ;) I've been listening to Mariah Carey Holiday station on Pandora...I LOVE the CHRISTMAS SEASON!!! 
"SANNNNNNNNTAAAAAA!!! I know him! I know him..." - name that movie!!
Sending love,
P.S. 48 days until our adventure starts!!

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