Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Catching Fire

I am so excited for the Catching Fire to come out this weekend!!! Oh my goodness...I read those books in about 3 weeks. All three of them! I would stay up until 3-4am just so I could finish the chapter or book I was reading. I loved them. 
It's been about a year and half since I read the books, so I am currently reading Catching Fire in order to refresh my memory before I see the movie this weekend! It seems so fitting that the title of the book is Catching Fire because it seems like everything in my life right now is on fire!! In good ways, and overwhelming ways. I mentioned in my last blog how things have been a bit chaotic, and it's not ceasing!! I'm trying to keep my cool while the flames keep getting higher and higher. Today, to avoid my responsibilities (which we all know, never works) I purposely slept in, even though I wasn't tired, just to pass the day away. And THEN I didn't get ready for the day until 3ish...annnd to top it all off, I did absolutely nothing except make lunch for Jeff.
On the brightside, I was able to enjoy my new, festive coffee mug I bought from my trip to San Francisco last week.
 By the way, I will post pictures in my next blog.
 I also enjoyed some tasty, always desired Godiva hot cocoa. YUM!
 As well as read a bit of my book. :) So, all is well that ends well, right? 
Love, Em
Irvine is all like, "Hey I'm going to be cloudy today but give you no rain.." and I'm like, "Dude, no biggie, I know you're secretly controlled by the Irvine company...I gotchu." The End.

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