Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Pioneer

When I think of a pioneer, the image of a strong, rugged looking man, with scruffy hair, a gun, and a serious look on his face comes to my mind. I also think of an admirable leader, one who breaks tradition, and takes care of the people he's leading. Like a shepherd that looks like a soldier...if that makes sense?
Why am I talking about a pioneer? Well, recently I came across another blog that talked about running the race with Jesus. If you'd like to read more about the blog post you can click THIS. I loved the blog topic, and it was very encouraging, but what stuck out most to me was a verse quoted. 
Hebrews 12:1-3
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart."
For some reason the word 'pioneer' stuck out to me. Immediately I saw am image of Jesus as a pioneer, which is kind of funny to think about. Regardless, I had a moment, as I often do, of being even more awe struck by the Lord than before. I've known Him to be the Lord of all things, the creator, the Alpha & Omega, but a pioneer? That had never crossed my mind until I read that verse today. The definition of pioneer is as follows:
  1.  inventor or innovator: a person or group that is the first to do something or that leads in developing something new
  2. first person to explore territory: a person who is one of the first from another country or region to explore or settle a new area
  3. soldier who builds things: a foot soldier whose duties include going ahead of the main company to construct things to pave the way for them
    Jesus is the epitome of not just a pioneer, but THE Pioneer. Wow.
 Take a moment and let that sink in. He is The Pioneer of all things. How amazing is that?! I love that every day, every moment, the Lord reveals different things to me that I haven't thought of before. And I can take the idea of Jesus being The Pioneer even smaller to the point of me and Jeff traveling. Jesus paves our way, He was, and is The Pioneer of our lives. What He sets forth no man can break. From now on my travels will be seen in a different light. I'm going to be even more thankful. I'm going to enjoy the places I go even more. I'm going to feel more connected to the Lord's creation. I'm going to remember that before I was here or there, He was here and there. I get to step foot on the paths that He walked, and still walks. Jesus was the Pioneer, is the Pioneer, and will always be the Pioneer of this universe, this planet, this country, this life, this day, this moment. I will forever be in awe of Him.
Ironically, I took this picture before reading that verse or writing this blog, of a path we walked in New Orleans. It's things like this that make me giggle because I know the Lord has a funny sense of humor. He likes to surprise us. 
Have a wonderful Sunday!
<3 Em


  1. This was a beautiful post, little niece! I'm so glad God is speaking to you, and showing you things that make your heart dance! I hope you're enjoying your adventure, and we miss you.

  2. Thank you Aunty!! :D He has been inspiring me a lot lately, I love it! The travels have been amazing. I miss you too!! Xoxox

  3. It´s so good when God puts something in our hearts, that´s true, Jesus is the pioner off this universe. Xx

    1. Thank you Priscilla!! I definitely agree. :) God is good!
