Monday, December 17, 2012

City Lights

I firmly believe in being thankful for everything around us no matter what circumstances are going on. Of course, it's easy to say that but to really apply it to your life takes much more effort AND strength. I believe a thankful person is a joyful person; and generally other people like to be around joyful, thankful people. I may not always remember my own advice, but there are definitely moments in my life when I breathe in the air around me, and take in the sight before me that I can't help but be thankful for all I see.

I'm not much of a city girl, or a country girl for that matter, I enjoy the suburbs. It has a little bit of both city and country which gives you a taste for both when you have a craving. Well, my husband on the other hand, loves the city. He believes that when he sees tall, beautifully structured buildings that industry is booming. So we compromise, we live in the breath taking suburbs and we visit the bright city lights around us.

Over the weekend my husband and I explored together (which is one of my most favorite things to do with him) and we came upon a few illuminating sites...these photos allow me to see why the city is beautiful to so many people.

By the way, all these photos are taken with the amazing camera my husband got me!! I'm sooo thankful.

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