Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Metamorphosis Part 2

As exciting as it is to know my purpose, and begin my journey to become a worshiper, that isn't the reason why Jeff and I moved back to Orange County. Originally, we both thought that we would continue to travel, and when the time came for me to go to Bethel, we would make that part of our travels. But God's plans are not our plans...
As we continued traveling, we continued praying for God to reveal to us where He wanted us to go, and what He wanted us to do.  We had an opportunity to stop back in California to visit family and friend's, which was fantastic! We decided we would stay about a month, and then head back out to explore the world. Little did we know that God had something else up his sleeve...a lot of something else's. 
It was so nice to visit family and friend's after not seeing them for about two months. We celebrated birthdays, went to church events, and had time to relax and enjoy their company. One night we went to my parent's church while they were having a guest speaker. His name is Ed Traut, and he is one of the most accurate Prophets I've had the chance to meet. He has spoken into my parents lives several times, and been right about it. The Lord speaks through Ed in amazing ways, and it's just a wonderful experience to have. You can look more into his ministry here.

A couple days leading up to that church event, I was praying that God would reveal to me, in detail, what He wanted me to do with worship and other things. I was expecting and ready to receive a Word from the Lord. The day came to hear Ed speak. Jeff and I went with expectant hearts, and the Lord gave us exactly what we needed to hear. - It's funny. We so often think we NEED something, when in reality we WANT something. God may not always give us what we WANT, but he ALWAYS gives us what we NEED. Having said that, the Word the Ed spoke over mine and Jeff's life wasn't what we wanted to hear, it's what we needed to hear. 
Jeff's word was to keep persevering with work. That he is on the brink of success and not to stop. Don't trust anyone, trust God, and God will send the right people into his life that he can trust. - It was a wonderful Word for Jeff. He needed to hear that...and as weird as it sounds, I did too. I needed to know that Jeff's business was where God wanted him to be. And it is. I'm so excited for Jeff! I know he is accomplishing what the Lord wants him to accomplish. 

The Word I received was that I'm very talented, and can pick up anything. That I'm very organized and can get things done quickly, and that I should be working with Jeff (haha!). The more exciting part of the word I received was that God knew I wasn't planning on having kids anytime soon, but God is. That I am going to be a wonderful mother, I wont have to worry about finances, and that our children will not get in the way of my success or doing things that I want to do. - That word from God wasn't what I wanted, it was what I needed. I needed to hear that it was time for babies, that I would be a great mom, and that I would still be able to do the things I want to do. The last couple of years that Jeff and I have been married, I had developed a fear of having children. I was scared I wouldn't be a good mom, that my children would hold me back, and that they would be brought into a world full of evil. If you know me, you know that I've always wanted to be a mother...all my life, as a child, as a teenager, and a young adult. So to have a fear of having children was not me. Thankfully, the Lord spoke through Ed Traut, and gave me the prophetic word I needed. It completely resonated within my heart, and I felt complete peace. 

So, officially, Jeff and I will begin trying to have our first baby in June of this year. My fear is gone, and now I'm just excited to grow our family! Look out world! Another Sparrow is on the way!
Okay...back to moving to Orange County.
After receiving those words, we started praying and thinking about whether or not to move back to California. One day we decided to visit with our two closest couple friend's in Orange County. We had some time with both couples separately, and it was wonderful to catch up on life, and hear about what was going on with theirs. Throughout our conversations, both Jeff and I started to feel a pull in our hearts towards Orange County again. Neither of us knew what the other was feeling until after our time with our friends. On our way back to my parents house, which is where we were staying, we told each other how we felt.

Jeff and I didn't want to rush into moving back, so we decided to give ourselves two weeks to pray and seek the Lord on the whole situation. I mean, can I just say that we had A LOT of changes going on in our lives! in two months the Lord had revealed things to us that we had been wondering about for a long time. I guess we just needed to be out of our environment in order to hear God's voice. 
After the two weeks were up, we knew that we were supposed to move back home. Home is Orange County.
All in all, we are both so excited for this time in our lives right now. God is growing us. Growing our faith, growing our family, growing us individually, and we couldn't be more happy! The Lord always knows what's best for us, and we are so thankful that we have our Heavenly Father as our friend.


Tuesday, April 22, 2014


I owe ya'll an update...majorly.
 A lot of changes have been going on in mine and Jeff's lives recently. It all seems so quick, but at the same time the changes are things we've been praying about for months.

So, we are back in California, and have been for about a month. Originally we had planned to visit family and friends and head back out traveling. Now we are renting a one bedroom, one bath apartment in Orange County. Yes, I know...what?! Let me back up...

Starting last year, I had been wondering what I was supposed to do with my life. I haven't worked in about two years, and I'm blessed to have a husband that provides so that I don't have to. However, I felt like I was going nowhere with my purpose in life. Every time I thought about volunteering, or joining a movement, or group, I would find an excuse not to. Unfortunately, I felt as though I couldn't put any effort into anything unless I knew it was what I was called to do. A very 'extremist' attitude, for sure. So I started praying. I prayed a lot. Everyday I would ask the Lord to reveal to me what I was supposed to do. Everyone else seemed to know what their talents and abilities were, except for me. Well, it seemed as though my prayers were going unanswered and I was lost in this fog of 'who am I', and 'what's my purpose in life'. I've been there many times, but let me tell you...God ALWAYS pulls through.
That's when Jeff and I decided we would travel this year...we took months in preparation, selling our things, planning our trips, etc. I was so excited! I felt like I was doing something important, again. It was all I could think about. Traveling.

As it came closer and closer to our travel time, I continued to pray for the Lord to reveal to me my purpose. The more I prayed, the more I felt like the Lord was telling me that while Jeff and I were out traveling, God would speak my to heart and answer all my questions. So we traveled. We started from California, drove to Las Vegas, from Vegas we drove to Utah, and from Utah we drove to Denver in order to fly out to New Orleans. We also went to Georgia, and Florida.
While driving from Las Vegas to Utah, Jeff and I were talking about travel, life, and regular things. All of a sudden in the middle of our conversation, I felt the Lord speak directly to my heart and say, "Go to Bethel." It was so strong, that I stopped Jeff in the middle of what he was saying, and said, "I need to go to Bethel." - For those of you who don't know what Bethel is, it's a Christian School of Worship. It's located in Redding, California and is really well known for their worship program. They are also a college, and you can choose between a 1-3 year program. It's a fantastic school for those who want to be in the worship or ministry field. - There have been several other times in my life where I felt the Lord speak directly to my heart, and I knew without any doubt that it was Him. To name a couple, one was to move to the Central Coast of California. Which I did. I stopped partying, changed my ways, rededicated my life to the Lord, and met my husband. The second was when I was in Kenya, Africa on my first mission trip and the Lord told me that Jeff would be my husband...after only knowing him for 4 days. Both of those are huge decisions that have changed my life dramatically, and I'm so thankful for the Lord's leading.
Needless to say, I knew I had to listen. That night I started researching Bethel and I found out that their worship program was in the Summer. I had one month to apply in order to be accepted. I applied and was accepted, and will now be going to the Bethel School of Worship in July of this year. It's an all day, 11 day program where I will learn how to write songs, sing better, let the Lord guide me, etc. I'm so excited!!! I'm not sure where the Lord will take me after the program, but I know that He told me go, so I'm going.  He answered my prayers, and gave me my purpose. 

I believe that the Lord will take you out of your environment in order to speak to your heart. We often get so distracted by what's going on in our lives, our worries, our doubts, our confusions, that we don't give God the time or space He wants in order to let us know what's up. Sometimes we just need to be quiet so He can speak. 

I don't believe that mine and Jeff's travels are done. I believe we still have a lot of travels in our future, near and far. However, I do believe that what Jeff and I thought was our great idea of traveling, was God pushing us in the direction we needed to be in order for Him to speak to our hearts.

This is all just the beginning of the metamorphosis, I have other exciting things to tell you, but you'll have to tune into my blog tomorrow to read them. ;D

Psalm 18:30- "God's way is perfect. All the Lord's promises prove true. He is shield for all who look to him for protection."
Isaiah 55:8-9, 12- "My Plans aren't your plans, nor are your ways my ways, says the Lord. Just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my plans than your plans. Yes, you will go out with celebration, and you will be brought back in peace. Even the mountains and hills will burst into song before you; all the trees of the field will clap their hands."


Friday, February 28, 2014


Warning: People who like to consume things of sweetness, please be advised that the following contains information about yet another place to taste sugary goodness.

One of the places Jeff and I visited while we were in Downtown Denver was a small cafe called D-Bar. D, short for Dessert...I'm assuming. It's literally a place dedicated to creating amazing sugary morsels to sink your teeth into. That, along with their various coffee drinks, and a small food menu, makes D-Bar a very cool place to visit.  
It was such a fun experience to munch on a sweet, tasty snack at a local cafe in Denver. After eating some dessert at D-Bar, I looked them up online and found out that they have one other location opening up in Winter of this year! Not only that, but they are opening in my hometown, San Diego!! 
D-bar reminded me of a local coffee shop that has it's own cool style. Somewhere you could go and hang out all day snacking on sweet & savory munchies to accompany your coffee drink. It was a very popular destination the for the locals in the Denver area, which made me feel that much cooler.
If you are in the Denver area, I highly suggest spending a moment or two at D-bar. It's a fun experience, and who can pass up really yummy sweets?!

Side note: I tried the beignets at D-bar, and they were tasty, but I must say if you want a REAL French beignets pastry, visit New Orleans. THAT is where the good stuff is. I talked about it here.

<3 Em

For more info about D-bar click THIS.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Rocky Mountain State

Jeff and I are officially back in California! This past month and three weeks of traveling has been a very fantastic, mind-opening, interesting adventure. We were able to visit 5 states, and stay in 9 different cities. That is a lot to cram into 7 weeks! Overall it has been a spectacular experience, but I'm glad to be back visiting family and friends. I didn't miss California so much as I missed the wonderful people in it.
On our way back to Cali- 15 hour drive!!
Our last adventure before making it back to Cali was Castlerock, Colorado. Colorado is such a beautiful state! Jeff and I stayed with our friend, Tyler, in his beautiful home which was right across the street from a walking/running trail & a children's play park. The first couple of days we were there it was cold and snowy. Everywhere I looked, a light layer of fresh, white snow covered the grass, the hills, the streets. It was a beautiful sight. I was able to go on a run while the snow was still sticking to the ground, and it was so breath taking...literally. The wind made it very hard to breath! ;) I can't say enough how beautiful Castlerock was/is...I would love to visit again.
The view on my run.
The beautiful Rocky's!!
Between the rolling hills, the deep forests, the rocky mountains, and downtown Denver, Colorado is a place I definitely suggest visiting. While we were there, Jeff and I drove around the area, enjoying the beautiful homes, and developing cities. We stopped by the Colorado Springs Air Force Academy, drove through the Black Forest, and visited Focus on the Family's headquarters. 
B-52 Plane, used in war, with Hefe standing next to it!!
Focus on the Family headquarters!!
Hefe standing in the panoramic picture!
Our friend Tyler & Jeff.
A nearby park/view point with Buffalo next door!
I had never seen Buffalo before this day!! So cool!
My love & I at the view point.
Tyler took us on a B-Cycle adventure through downtown Denver, and around the outside of the city. There is a beautiful creek that flows on the outside of the city, that we biked through, and older historic neighborhoods too. Downtown Denver is one of the nicest, cleanest downtown's I have been to. I felt safe, and it seemed as though the city took good care of itself. Riding the B-Cycle was such a fun experience! If you're ever in a city that has them, I highly suggest renting the B-cycle's. It's really fun! There is an app that you can download called 'B-cycle Me'. It tells you all the cities that has a B-cycle, as well as where you can stop to rent your bikes. It's a really great way to explore cities you're visiting.
Dazbog, a cute local, Russian coffee shop.
Downtown Denver.
Neighborhoods we rode our bikes through.
Local art
B-Cycle station!
Best Fwends.
Castle Marne.
The entrance to the Denver Zoo!! So pretty!
After saying goodbye to Tyler, Castlerock, and Denver, Jeff and I started our drive back to California. Let me just say it is the most beautiful drive I have ever experienced! The Rocky Mountains are such a spectacular painting of God's creation. I would Drive back to Colorado just so I could drive through the Rocky Mountains again!
Here are some action shots of Tyler jumping onto a rock...enjoy!
Goodbye to the stunning Rocky Mountain State, hello to the sunny Golden State.

<3 Em

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Disney's Animal Kingdom

Whenever I think of animals, I think of the Lion King. There is something about that song, "The Circle of Life", that just feels inspiring, almost spiritual..I love it. -- Speaking of animals, I've been sitting outside the last few hours (still in Florida), and I've had the opportunity to watch the nature surrounding me. There are so many lizards/geckos here!!! They are everywhere. I keep hearing leaves crunching, or bushes shaking, and it's because there are literally hundreds of lizards/geckos crawling around me. I keep laughing because every-so-often I see a shadow and hear a 'thud'. When I look over to find out what the shadow and thud is, I find a lizard/gecko that has decided to free fall from a nearby tree...I don't know why? Maybe lizards/geckos are adrenaline junkies or something, but it is the funniest thing!-- Anyways, enough of my tangent, let's get back to Disney's Animal Kingdom.
For our last day at WDW, Jeff and I decided to check out the Animal Kingdom. It was the first sunny day we had after 3-4 days of rain, so we thought it would be perfect to see all the animals. It was. We had so much fun at the Animal Kingdom. It's definitely similar to San Diego's Wild Animal Park, but with Disney style. We both really enjoyed seeing all the different animals, as well as a few shows, and rides.
Again, it's a small park, and we were able to get through it in a few hours. I will say, it's geared toward smaller children, but we still had a great time together.
1. DINOSAUR- This one was a lot like the Indiana Jones ride in Disneyland. Really fun, kind of scary, and full of surprises. 
2. Expedition Everest-Legend of the Forbidden Mountain- OH. MY. GOODNESS. GRACIOUS. If you are scared of heights, this ride will test your fear, right in the beginning too! It was one of the funnest rides we went on. It's supposed to be similar to the Matterhorn Bobsleds, but it's newer, better for your back, and much more exciting. I highly suggest this ride, and make sure you keep your eyes open otherwise you miss things!
3. Kilimanjaro Safaris- This was the first ride Jeff and I went on, and it was so cool!! It's more of a safari then a ride, and it was amazing. The views were spectacular. The animals were so close to you, and there seemed to be no fencing, which made you feel as though you were in Africa. -- Side Note: Jeff and I went on a African Safari ride when we were in Africa, and we liked the Animal Kingdom Safari ride better...that's how great it was.
All three of those rides are the most popular ones, I would suggest getting a fast pass if you can.
4. Primeval Whirl- This ride looks like a typical circus, or small theme park ride, but it was super fun!! A must try.
Walks through/show:
1. It's Tough to be a Bug- Disneyland has this same show, and it's just as fun at the Animal Kingdom.
2. Maharajah Jungle Trek- This is a walk through exhibit, and it was so cool! I have a video of the bats that you will see when you walk through it.
3. Pangani Forest Exploration Trail- This is another walk through. REALLY stinky (it's the gorillas), but still very cool.
4. The Oasis Exhibits- If you are a bird fanatic, this is the walk through you want to go through. I'm not a huge bird fan, so it was okay for me. 
There are different parades throughout the day as well, but Jeff and I enjoyed walking through the different exhibits more. This was a fun park, and we would go back just to ride the Expedition Everest ride again!

<3 Em