Thursday, October 18, 2012

My Husband

My husband and I met on our way to Africa on a mission trip through his father's church. We had never met before, only heard of each other through the rest of the missionary team we were traveling with. It was 5:00am on April 7th, 2010 when I first saw him. We (the team and I) were all waiting in the hotel lobby for our airport shuttle to arrive to pick us up. Everyone was packed and ready to go, tired, drowsy, many of us with only a few hours of sleep. I stood there quietly still waking up...I am NOT a morning person. At this point my husband still hadn't shown up to the lobby. I started to wonder if he was still coming on the mission trip with us. You have to imagine, I had heard about this dude for 3 months prior to our trip but never saw or met him. I was getting pretty irritated hearing about someone without being able to put a face to the name. Just as I started to put away the thought of meeting him, I saw him. My husband came walking down one of the hallways of the hotel with his backpack and luggage. FINALLY, I as able to put a face to his name. 

Well, there is a lot more to the story but that is how my husband and I met. It's a pretty cool story, I love telling it. Whenever someone asks, "So how did you and your husband meet?" I start off by saying, "We met on our way to Africa." It's so funny watching everyone's facial reactions.  I never get away with just saying we met in Africa, I always have to tell them the whole story. I'm not complaining though, my husband is a pretty amazing man. I love bragging about him and I'm thankful the Lord blessed me with a god-fearing man.

There are days that I get so excited being married to my husband that I have to do something special, whether it's writing little notes for him to find when he gets home from work, or texting him that I love him, or whatever else I can think of. Sometimes I just need to get my excitement out so that I am not bursting at the seams.  Today I decided I am going to blog about him. I mean, for such a great guy, he deserves some lime-light, right? Right.

I picked out a few scriptures I felt that my husband exudes as a working man, friend, husband, brother, son, son-in-law, and so much more. He really surprises me with his integrity and constant ability to be humbled. There is never a dull day being married to my husband and I enjoy every second, even if we are disagreeing...although I will say, for the record, I'm almost always right. ;).

I love you husband! You are my backbone and my stability in life. You are my joy and my laughter. Thank you for being my wonderful, god-fearing, humble, silly, handsome, amazing husband! <3

Psalm 4:3 - But know that the Lord has set apart for Himself [and given distinction to] him who is godly [the man of loving-kindness]. The Lord listens and heeds when I call to Him.

Proverbs 2:7-8 - He hides away sound and godly Wisdom and stores it for the righteous (those who are upright and in right standing with Him); He is a shield to those who walk uprightly and in integrity,

11 Corinthians 1:12 - 12 We can say with confidence and a clear conscience that we have lived with a God-given holiness[c] and sincerity in all our dealings. We have depended on God’s grace, not on our own human wisdom. That is how we have conducted ourselves before the world, and especially toward you.

1 Corinthians 16:13-14 - 13 Be alert and on your guard; stand firm in your faith ([b]your conviction respecting man’s relationship to God and divine things, keeping the trust and holy fervor born of faith and a part of it). Act like men and be courageous; grow in strength!14 Let everything you do be done in love (true love to God and man as inspired by God’s love for us).

Titus 2:7 - And show your own self in all respects to be a pattern and a model of good deeds and works, teaching what is unadulterated, showing gravity [having the strictest regard for truth and purity of motive], with dignity andseriousness

1 Timothy 4:12 - 12 Let no one despise or think less of you because of your youth, but be an example (pattern) for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity.

There are so many more scripture but those are just a few to describe my husband. That is why I have no issue agreeing with this last verse...

Ephesians 5:22-25 - 22 Wives, be subject (be submissive and adapt yourselves) to your own husbands as [a service] to the Lord.23 For the husband is head of the wife as Christ is the Head of the church, Himself the Savior of [His] body.24 As the church is subject to Christ, so let wives also be subject in everything to their husbands.25 Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her,